Museum of Gaming History
   An Educational Project of The Casino Collectibles Association, Inc.
   An IRS approved 501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt Not-For-Profit Organization
ChipGuide - A Catalog of Casino Chips and Collectibles (DEVELOPMENT)
Books for Casino Memorabilia Collectors

Title Casino Ashtrays
Author Roxie & Gary Held
Prices Book - $32.95, CD - $0.00, Kindle - $0.00
Postage $3
CommentsCasino ashtray collectors have a new, updated book for their hobby. It has 341 pages, over 1250 trays listed, 4 per page, b&w photos. Format is more descriptive of types, shapes, colors, and logo quantity & placement, etc. Each listing has a place to track inventory, where you got the tray, how much you paid and if any traders. Also, it has been spiral bound so it lays flat when opened. Inside front cover, there is a $3 coupon for the next edition.
Ordering Information
R&G Casino Collectibles
P.O. Box 6088
Florence, KY 41022

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